Fiscal Officer FAQs

  • How are documents routed?
  • To learn how documents route visit, the KFS Routing and Approvals page.
  • How do I update a fiscal officer on an account?
  • To learn how to update a fiscal officer on an account, visit the KFS Chart of Accounts document help pages

    Please remember that it is easier and less time consuming to change the fiscal officer on multiple accounts by using the KFS Account Global (GACC) document.

  • How do I update or change an account delegate?
  • To modify or remove a delegate, you will need to use the Account Delegate Document or the Account Global Document. To learn more about these documents, visit the All About Account Delegates page.

    It is strongly recommended that every account have at least one non-primary delegate that can approve all transactions regardless of dollar amount.

  • What should I do to prepare for business staff separation or leave of absence?
  • When a fiscal officer separates from UC Davis or is on a leave of absence you should remember to:
    1. Update the fiscal officer for the accounts they are assigned to. For help, visit the KFS Chart of Accounts document help pages.
    2. Remove the individual as a delegate if they have separated. This is not necessary if the person will be returning to work, but consider adding another delegate if there is no one else assigned. For help, visit the All About Account Delegates
    3. Review your Organization Review to see if changes are needed.
    4. Review roles and access in other non KFS systems (i.e. TRS, AggieExpense)


  • Where can I find approval information specific to me?
  • Use the following FIS Decision Support (DS) queries: 
    > FIS User Responsibilities (FIS214) - Identifies your KFS responsibilities, including approval roles 
    > Document Approval Workload (KFS) (FIS384) - Provides a list of all the KFS documents you approved during a specified date range 
  • Can approvers modify KFS documents?
  • Fiscal Officers can make limited modifications during routing of an Automatic Purchase Order, Requisition, Disbursement Voucher, Entertainment Expense Voucher, Travel Expense Voucher, and Payment Request. In addition, the fiscal officer can modify account information on any of the Financial Documents, provided they are the fiscal officer or delegate for all accounts cited on the document.  
  • How do I determine if a fund source has restrictions?
  • For information on restrictions by Fund Category, please review the UC Funds page.
  • How do I determine the fund on my account?
  • In KFS you can determine the fund by selecting Account under the Main Menu and entering your account in the Account Lookup. In Decision Support, you can use the Account Lookup report (DS 11) for more information on the account.


  • How do I create a delegate?
  • To learn how to create a delegate in KFS, please visit the All About Account Delegates page.
  • How do I modify or remove a delegate?
  • To modify or remove a delegate you will need to use the Account Delegate Document or the Account Global Document. To learn more about these documents, visit the All About Account Delegates page.

    It is strongly recommended that every account have at least one non-primary delegate that can approve all transactions regardless of dollar amount.

  • As a Fiscal Officer, how do I access documents pending approval of a primary delegate?
  • The Fiscal Officer and any other delegates on the account can access the document by selecting the name of the approver on whose behalf they are approving from the Choose Secondary Delegation drop-down menu from the upper right corner of their Action List in KFS.
  • How do I find out the names of delegates I've assigned?
  • In FIS Decision Support use the Account Delegate Lookup (167) query. On the input page, fill in the Delegate User ID field and any other applicable field based on how specific you want the results to be. Then click Process Query.
  • How do I act as a delegate?
  • When serving as a delegate, you are acting on behalf of the fiscal officer. Become familiar with the fiscal officer's responsibilities and review the approving transactions page before acting as a delegate. Do not approve transactions that do not comply with university policies and procedures, external regulations, and terms and conditions of agreements.

    Primary delegates: documents will be available in your Action List.

    Non-primary delegates: by selecting the name of the approver on whose behalf they are approving from the Choose Secondary Delegation drop-down menu from the upper right corner of their Action List in KFS.

UC Account

  • What UC Account do I use for research when the faculty member receives campus funds (i.e. general funds, ICR)?
  • The funds should be in 40XXXX if the funds are general to the faculty or department and not separately budgeted for specific projects or outcomes. This would generally include the ICR return and most GF, however some of the opportunity funds and GF are for specific projects and outcomes.

    When you receive the allocation make sure you understand the intended purpose of the funds.

  • What do I do if a wrong UC account has been assigned?
  • When a KFS account was created with a wrong account, you may change the UC Account if there has been not activity in the account in a prior fiscal year. For more information, visit Changing UC Account Numbers on Accounts.

Object Codes

  • Why should I care about object codes?
  • Object codes are important for financial reporting and ensuring we are being good stewards of the funds that have been entrusted to us. In order for the university to report its expenditures accurately to all our stakeholders, fiscal officers must ensure that the appropriate object codes are used on all transactions.
  • I track my Procurement Card purchases with the PCRD object code, why do I need to change it?
  • In order to report expenses correctly on financial reports at the department, dean's office and university level, the object code must reflect what was actually purchased. Using PCRD only identifies that a Procurement Card was used, but it does not identify what was purchased. 

    To obtain a list of all Procurement Card transactions for your unit, you can use the Credit Card Payment Lookup report (DS 391).

Analytical Ledger Review

The Analytic Ledger Review was part of a set of reports and processes known as “General Ledger Review” used in the prior financial system (Kuali Financial System aka KFS). Please see for information on the new requirements and processes in Aggie Enterprise.