Asset Document Help

The Asset Document is used by asset representatives to update information on an asset in CAMS.

It is used by other FIS users to view (but not update) information on an asset. In addition to updating asset information, this screen is also used by asset representatives to process asset loans, asset returns, and asset transfers.


See the PDF of the instructions for:

Equipment Loans/Returns

The Equipment Loan/Return document requires department to indicate whether loan is external (to individual who is not a UC Davis faculty/staff/student member) or internal and whether the university has title to equipment or not. The Expected Return Date cannot be more than three years from the current date. You can ad hoc route the document to the borrower for electronic approval or have them sign the Authorization for Movement or Removal of UC Davis Property form on the Equipment Management website (and electronically attach to the document). Automated reminder emails will be sent to Asset Representatives with overdue loans (loans with past Expected Return Date).

Loans outside the campus, whether to another UC or to an outside entity, must be approved by the Department Head or Chair, and the Dean or Vice Chancellor of your school or college, or his/her designee regardless of the original acquisition value of the asset. The Equipment Loan/Return document may be ad hoc routed for the necessary approvals, or hard copy signatures can be electronically attached to your document.

If the equipment was acquired with extramural funds, a letter of approval from the extramural funding agency must be electronically attached to your document.

Asset Transfers

Asset Transfers do not create any financial transaction. If $ is part of an equipment transfer, a Distribution of Income and Expense (DI) document needs to be processed to document the financial part of transaction and the DI document number entered on the document. Learn more about Asset Transfers.

Locating PI Name For Assets 

If you previously entered data in the Org Inv Nm/PI or the Org Text fields on the Capital Asset Maintenance Screen in DaFIS CAMS and you want to see this information, you can do so by following the steps below:

  1. On the KFS Main Menu, in the Capital Asset Management System section, click the Asset link.
  2. Enter your desired search criteria, such as your department Custodial Code, the UCOP Tag Number (UC Davis Bar Code Number assigned to Asset), or the Organization Inventory Name (if using this field, enter the name with wildcards, such as *smith* to retrieve assets with smith anywhere in the field).
  3. In the search results, click on the number in the Asset Number column to access the Asset Inquiry screen. (If you are the asset representative assigned to the custodial code for the asset, you can click on the Edit link to make changes to the asset information).
  4. Click the SHOW button in the Organization Information tab to view the Organization Inventory Name or Organization Text (or change it if you are the asset representative)

Since the Org Inv Nm/PI was a free-form field in DaFIS, data was not entered in a standardized format; data may have been entered as Dr. Smith, Joe Smith, Smith, J, and so forth. In KFS, there is a Principal Investigator field on the Asset document that allows an asset representative to enter the information in a standardized format that can then be used to run the Equipment Physical Inventory Report (375) in FIS Decision Support. To enter the PI Name in a standardized format, click on the Asset Detail Information tab, and you can perform a lookup to locate and enter the person.


  1. Fiscal Officer assigned to account assigned to equipment
  2. Capital Asset Accounting (Equipment Mgmt)